Ed Brothers / SOAG artist featured in Russian Magazine

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Years ago I participated in an online artists community that had a group devoted to my favored medium, oil pastels. That community faded away, but one of the members, a Russian artist, contacted me recently to see if I would like to be profiled in the digital pastel magazine she edits. I said sure, and after much correspondence, answering her questions and sending images, a final piece has appeared. It’s written in Russian. Here’s the first page…

I performed a DIY translation using a Google application, and presto, the English version of the six pages appears below. Unfortunately the formatting and font variety is lost, but at least it’s readable. Thank you to ProstoPastel Magazine and author Margarita Shvetsova.

8 thoughts on “SOAG artist featured in Russian Magazine

  1. Diana Ozolins

    what a great article and a comprehensive look at your art and who you are. it was also nice to see where you work at home.


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