Susan C. Larkin / JT Shevalier (Buffalo Road) and Tim Larkin (Bailor Road)

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JT and Tim respond to the same question: When you think about living on our hill in Caroline, what comes to mind?

JT: The woodlands, the air, the atmosphere, the neighbors, family, friends, staying busy, working in the barn, taking care of my pigs, chickens, turkeys, my kids playing in the yard. I like sitting on my porch and watching the sunset. I like the trees.

Tim: I think of sitting on the porch. Seeing the trees and the garden. The breeze comes along. Pushes the leaves of the trees and the leaves turn and show their underside. There’s this noise—this sound of the wind gently brushing the leaves. I think of that too. My little porch. My little indoor outdoor space.

7 thoughts on “JT Shevalier (Buffalo Road) and Tim Larkin (Bailor Road)

  1. Jan

    I only really noticed JT Shevalier’s brother after reading the title!

    JT has such a commanding appearance that my eye is consumed by his expression. He looks like someone I want to know when I need help after a snow storm! He’s not afraid to “get his hands dirty, cold, wet, etc.” to get things done! Maybe this is what you meant to capture, or I am only imagining it!

    1. Avatar photoSusan C. Larkin Post author

      Both brothers are not afraid to get things done. Nate Jr. runs a trash collection business and JT does the run with him from time to time. One comment about that image I especially enjoyed: “I loved the photo of the two men, one outside the truck, the other just barely visible in the cab. He’s consented to the photographed, but only just.”

      My response to that observation was: Nate Jr. is the only person in my November exhibit who gets his picture on the wall twice. I’ll make another post with Nate Jr.’s picture in our book and exhibit at State of the Art.


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