Margy Nelson / Drawing from a dream

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A few days before Christmas I awoke from a vivid dream about creating a painting, something vaguely reminiscent of early 20th century French painters (Les Fauves, maybe?) I felt frustrated because just before I woke up I was trying to find the right color for part of the woman’s face, but I woke up before I could do that. The image/idea stuck in my mind over the holidays, and a few days ago I sat down with some colored pencils to attempt a reproduction of the image from my dream. Now the actual drawing and the dream image are entirely scrambled in my mind and I no longer know how much they relate to each other, but it was satisfying to try. I tried to introduce as much pattern as I could; that felt right. For the floor, which was last to be filled in, I cut out paper pieces the same shape as the foreground floor and tried several different designs until I found one that felt right.

One thought on “Drawing from a dream

  1. Patty Porter

    What fun! The combination of reality and fantasy creat a curious atmosphere and ask questions. You made good use of that dream.


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