Patricia Brown / American MUD 2024

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I created the diptych American MUD 2024 in the first week after the November 5thpresidential election. During the election season I explored and honored the Buddhist symbol for the lotus (Kamala means lotus). A Zen verse said, “May we exist in muddy water with purity, like a lotus.” As we entered into #47’s second term, I wondered how I can be a lotus. I needed to paint the mud from my point of view and sorrow as a woman. 

 Panel 1: #47 MUD. 

 I researched the misogynist statements Trump has made – the list is long. Many of these derogatory barbs were about women he was running against. I pressed them with letter stamps into the first panel of mud. 


 I researched what was being said in the MANOSPHERE. One phrase “Your body, my choice forever” by Nick Fuentes was viewed over 35 million times, a 4,600 percent increase within 24 hours of the election results. I pressed these words with other comments posted in the same time frame onto panel two. 

 In creating this diptych, I was aghast equally at the influence of our next President’s misogynist words on young men who were empowered to echo him freely and the reception by millions who viewed and retweeted them. 

 It is still challenging for me to view and comprehend the impact of these words, knowing that #47 takes office this month. I will be sitting in silence in front of American MUD 2024 at State of the Art Gallery at noon on January 20th. You are welcome to join me.

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