Blue Shirt, Red Chair
When I start a new project, I’m inclined to say “That’s the way it always its” But not in the sense that I know the steps to follow and I have everything worked out. Almost always I have just the slightest clue that I’m going to make something and let’s just see what the first thought might be. The more I do this, the better I like it. I love the surprises. So it was with the blue shirt (which I gladly gave up to the project because the color was so perfect.) Taking an old pillow for the stuffing discovering the whole pillow could be coaxed into a body shape was surprising. What would I do for arms and legs? I’m not a doll maker. And then came the realization it would need to sit in or on something. I’m am still so happy about the chair – finding just the right wood and easy way to assemble it. And that red paint? I want to use it again! And so it goes. That’s the way it always is. Fun!
I enjoyed following your steps as I study the results in the sculpture. The joy you had in making it shows and I can share it with you. Thanks!
It’s amazing how much character and personality these creations have.
Creative project!